Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia https://jpion.org/index.php/jpi <p><strong>JPION: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia</strong></p> <p>Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia is to provide a research medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level research in the fields Culture of Education and Social Science Research . Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding all fields of Education and Social Science Research.</p> <p>Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia provides a platform for researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners, and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, and case studies. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical research papers, case studies, review papers, analytical and simulation models in any topic of education areas. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia publish publications four a year. Every month March, June, September and December.</p> <p> </p> Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai en-US Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia 2963-1742 Konsep Teknologi Pendidikan Islam Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an https://jpion.org/index.php/jpi/article/view/112 <p><em>Di sisi lain, di era modern saat ini, perkembangan teknologi telah meningkatkan taraf hidup banyak orang sebagai faktor kemajuan dan peradaban, teknologi itu sendiri berkembang melalui proses penelitian dan pengembangan, pengembangan yang membutuhkan pengetahuan intelektual, percobaan dan pengujian. Alquran mempunyai kandungan universal dan komprehensif. Dengan bantuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, manusia dapat dengan mudah menguasai dunia, kedudukan manusia sebagai khalifah. Maju atau tidaknya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sangat bergantung pada aktivitasnya orang yang mempelajari fenomena alam, ayat-ayat kawniyah dan ayat-ayat qouliyyah. Al-Qur'an adalah pedoman biologis yang menuntun manusia kepada kebenaran yang jelas. Gambar-gambar yang terkandung dalam Al-Qur'an menjadi pendorong bagi kita untuk mempelajarinya lebih lanjut. Tentang keumuman ayat tersebut Al-Qur'an menuntut kita untuk mempelajari apa yang telah Allah uraikan untuk memperkuat keyakinan masyarakat bahwa Al-Qur'an memang panduan, selalu kontekstual dan relevan di setiap zaman. Tidak ada yang bisa menyangkal bahwa Al-Qur'an hanya meletakkan aturan dasar kehidupan orang-orang dalam hubungan mereka dengan Tuhan Pencipta, dalam interaksi antara orang-orang dan di dalam diri mereka sendiri tindakannya mempengaruhi alam sekitarnya, tetapi dia juga memperhatikan untuk apa manusia diciptakan.</em></p> istifada Khasanah Rofiqotul Aini Copyright (c) 2024 istifada Khasanah, Rofiqotul Aini https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 3 3 360 365 10.31004/jpion.v3i3.112 Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Kelas V Sdn 023 Pandau Jaya https://jpion.org/index.php/jpi/article/view/296 <p>Student learning motivation at V SDN 023 Pandau Jaya, Kampar Regency is still relatively low. The aim of this<br>research is to determine the effect of using audio-visual learning media on students' learning motivation in Class<br>V mathematics subjects at SDN 023 Pandau Jaya, Kampar Regency. The research method is quantitative with a<br>population of fifth grade students with a sampling technique using purposive sampling. So the sample is 30<br>students. Data was collected through a questionnaire and processed using hypothesis testing with the help of<br>SPSS Version 22. Based on the results of the analysis through hypothesis testing, namely the paired sample t test<br>with a sig (2-tailed) value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, it is stated that the working hypothesis (Ha) in this study is accepted<br>and the hypothesis (Ho) is declared rejected. The increase in the posttest questionnaire was 15,100 due to the use<br>of audio-visual learning media</p> Shelvi cahyani Shelvi Siti Quratul Ain Copyright (c) 2024 Shelvi cahyani Shelvi, Siti Quratul Ain https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-08-21 2024-08-21 3 3 366 375 10.31004/jpion.v3i3.296 Isu Kritis Pembelajaran Anak Sekolah Dasar https://jpion.org/index.php/jpi/article/view/298 <p><em>The aim of this research is to determine critical issues in elementary school children's learning. Several factors that could be the cause of not maximizing student achievement or enthusiasm for elementary school students' learning include: too abstract teaching materials,less interesting delivery by an educator, less active students, less optimal media used as teaching materials, or less precise models. learning.This research uses a qualitative approach. The results of the research show that elementary school children's learning includes: 1)Interactive and fun learning, effective learning is characterized by an ongoing teaching and learning process that is able to teach students and obtain satisfactory learning achievements 2) Linking material with everyday life, paying attention to student activities in learning that is able to train students to relate learning concepts to real life situations 3) Using interactive media technology, the low quality of educational facilities and infrastructure can be caused by various factors, such as hampered distribution of funds, misuse of school funds, poor maintenance of facilities and infrastructure,supervision of school officials who are indifferent to facilities and infrastructure, and other factors,4)providing rewards. Rewards in learning are that students will receive awards after learning well and following the rules given by the teacher and school.</em></p> Widiastuti Widiastuti Linora Linora Hendrizal Hendrizal Copyright (c) 2024 Widiastuti Widiastuti, Linora Linora, Hendrizal Hendrizal https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 3 3 376 382 10.31004/jpion.v3i3.298 Menganalisis Pemilihan Model Evaluasi Program Pendidikan https://jpion.org/index.php/jpi/article/view/299 <p><em>The aim of this research is to analyze the selection of educational program evaluation models. This research uses a qualitative approach. The research results show that the Scriven Model Scriven designed two evaluation models, namely: (1) Goal-Free Evaluation Approach, and (b) Formative and Summative model, 2) Contenance Evaluation Model (Stake Model). The program evaluation model introduced by Stake is known as the Countenance (overall) model. 3) Alkin Model. Limitations of the evaluation construct as a process of determining the area to be evaluated. 4) CSE-UCLA Evaluation Model. The steps of the CSE-UCLA model are divided into four stages, namely: needs assessment, program planning, formative evaluation, and summative evaluation. 5) Discrepancy Model. The steps in this gap model are: preparation of design, installation, process, d) Measuring the goal (product), e) comparison (program comparison), 6) Brinkerhoff et-al's model consists of: (1) fixed vs emergent evaluation design, (2) formative vs summative evaluation, and (3) experimental and quasi experimental design vs natural/unobtrusive inquiry.</em></p> Widiastuti Widiastuti Linora Linora Hafiz Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 Widiastuti Widiastuti, Linora Linora, Hafiz Hidayat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 3 3 383 394 10.31004/jpion.v3i3.299 Desain Hadits Tarbawi dalam Aqidah Spritual dan Kurikulumnya https://jpion.org/index.php/jpi/article/view/300 <p><em>The aim of this research is to find out the spiritual aqidah curriculum and the curriculum contained in the hadith. The research method used is literature study because the research data comes from hadith books, books, journals and research results of researchers and Islamic scholars. The conclusion is; Aqidah education is an approach to religious education, meaning that the teachings of a particular religion are used as a source of inspiration to develop pedagogical theories or concepts and form spiritual aqidah education in clearly explained hadiths, namely faith in Allah SWT, faith in the angels of Allah SWT, faith in the books Allah, belief in Allah's Messengers, belief in the hereafter, belief in good and bad destiny are from Allah SWT (qada' and qadar).</em></p> Mohd Fauzan Ilyas Husti Nurhadi Nurhadi Copyright (c) 2024 Mohd Fauzan, Ilyas Husti, Nurhadi Nurhadi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 3 3 395 404 10.31004/jpion.v3i3.300